
Making Your Website Accessible helps increase your Search Engine ranking

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In recent years, the importance of making websites accessible has become increasingly apparent. Accessibility refers to designing and developing websites in a way that ensures they are usable by everyone, including people with disabilities such as visual or hearing impairments, mobility limitations, or cognitive disabilities.

While accessibility is essential for ensuring inclusivity and reaching the widest possible audience, it can also have a significant impact on your website’s search engine optimization (SEO). In this blog post, we will explore how making your website accessible can help with your SEO efforts.

  1. Improved website usability

When you design your website with accessibility in mind, you are also improving its overall usability. For example, providing clear and concise navigation, adding descriptive alt text to images, and using clear and easy-to-read fonts can help all users find and navigate your website more easily.

Google’s search algorithm considers website usability as an important ranking factor. If your website is difficult to use, visitors are more likely to leave quickly, leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement metrics. By improving your website’s usability through accessibility, you can reduce bounce rates and improve engagement metrics, which can positively impact your SEO.

  1. Increased visibility in search results

Google aims to provide the best possible user experience by delivering search results that meet the user’s intent. Google recognizes that many people with disabilities rely on screen readers or other assistive technologies to navigate the web. Therefore, websites that are accessible are more likely to rank higher in search results and reach a wider audience.

Additionally, Google has made it clear that accessibility is important for ranking high in its search results. In its Webmaster Guidelines, Google recommends that webmasters “make sure that your pages are useful for readers with visual impairments, for example, by testing usability with a screen-reader.”

  1. Improved mobile experience

Mobile devices are becoming the primary means of accessing the internet, and Google’s algorithm prioritizes mobile-friendly websites in its search results. An accessible website that is designed with mobile users in mind is more likely to rank higher in search results and reach a wider audience.

By making your website accessible, you are also making it more mobile-friendly. For example, using responsive design ensures that your website adapts to different screen sizes and is easy to use on mobile devices. This can positively impact your website’s SEO by improving mobile usability and increasing the likelihood that users will engage with your website.

  1. Positive impact on user experience

Ultimately, the goal of SEO is to provide a positive user experience. By making your website accessible, you are creating a more inclusive and welcoming experience for all users, which can positively impact your SEO. People are more likely to engage with and share content from websites that are easy to use and provide a positive user experience.

In conclusion, making your website accessible is not only the right thing to do, but it can also have a significant impact on your SEO efforts. By improving website usability, increasing visibility in search results, improving the mobile experience, and providing a positive user experience, you can improve your website’s search engine rankings and reach a wider audience.